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Wavemakers excel in making waves, while waves are spectacular to watch in motion, they are in fact rather inefficient, moving the majority of water only vertically up and down, with relatively low horizontal movement, especially near the bottom of the aquarium as illustrated in the diagram above.

On the other hand, gyre generators excel in moving sheer flow of water from one side of the aquarium to the other side. The sheer flow of water is so strong that it bounces back from the other side of the aquarium to achieve full circulation with-in an aquarium, i.e. generating “gyre flows”.

The flow generated with the Maxspect Gyre is ideal for most corals. Due to its cross-flow technology, the Gyre allows a uniform distribution of the flow, avoiding dead zones in the aquarium.


Horizontally or Vertically

The flow generated with the Maxspect Gyre is ideal for most corals. Due to its cross-flow technology, the Gyre allows a uniform distribution of the flow, avoiding dead zones in the aquarium.


Standard Propeller nozzle Dynamics used in wavemakers

  • A. Dead spots with relatively poor water movement.
  • B. Very strong flow in the center, making coral placement very difficult
  • C. Very weak flow near the other end of the aquarium.


Cross-Flow Dynamics used in the Maxspect Gyre

  • A. Virtually no dead spots
  • B. Evenly distributed flow rate throughout the entire aquarium
  • C. Water bounces back from the other side to create a full circulation, i.e. Generating « gyre flows »


Register Your Gyre 300CE Series

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